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Scout Oath and Law

Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.


Scouts progress through a series of ranks in the program, gaining critical skills along the way and growing in self-reliance. Use the Scout Handbook as a reference for the requirements for each rank, or go to the Advancement and Awards Guide on the BSA website.

It is the Scout’s responsibility to schedule a Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review when he has completed the requirements for rank advancement.


Merit Badge

There are around 135 Merit Badges that a scout can earn while learning new skills, concepts and behaviors.  Things learned may shape future interests and affect career choices, fields of study, or areas of service.

To earn each Merit Badge, a scout must complete the list of requirements with the guidance of a Merit Badge Counselor.  Once all requirements are met, they will be signed off by the Merit Badge Counselor.  Completed blue cards should be turned in to the scribes.

Merit Badge sessions are offered at Summer Camps, Merit Badge Fairs, and many other locations around Houston.


Court of Honor

Court of Honor (COH) is held three times per year to celebrate the achievements of our scouts on Rank Advancements, Merit Badges, and other special awards.  Families and friends are invited to attend to celebrate with their scouts.

Documentation of all awards to be given must be turned in two to three weeks before the COH presentation.  This allows time for records to be reviewed and validated, awards to be purchased and for the information to be posted in the national BSA database.

Although those who achieve Eagle Rank will be recognized at Troop COH, they also have a separate special Court of Honor ceremony to recognize this accomplishment.


We always look for new ways of keeping our scouts engaged.

Our troop schedules weekend campouts every month during the school year, providing opportunities for scouts to hone their scouting skills and build camaraderie with their fellow scouts. Campsites for these are typically a 45-minute to 3-hour drive away from Sugar Land, departing late Friday afternoon and returning by Sunday noon.

Summer camps are usually week-long, are located in or out of state, and are planned months in advance.


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